Spring Book Sale

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Program Type:

Book Sale

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Program Description

Event Details

More than 75,000 items sorted in 50 categories! Everyone is covered in this fundraiser - from tots to teens to adults. Featuring a large assortment of items including bestsellers, fiction and nonfiction, audio/visual, and much more. 

In the Brubeck Room - selections from board books and picture books to young reader and teen series to young adult novels. 

In the Gallery - vintage and antique collectibles

In the Book Cellar -  categories such as self-help, sports, literature, poetry, music, entertainment, mysteries, business and technology information, art, history, cookbooks, gardening, travel, biographies plus fiction and nonfiction, DVDs, vinyl, CDs, and books on CDs. 

High quality books at great prices - don't miss this opportunity! A wonderful community event that benefits the library.    

Friday, May 2: Early Buying 8-10 a.m. ($20 admission), 10 - 5 Free Admission 
Saturday, May 3: 10 - 5 
Sunday, May 4: 1 - 5 - Half-Price Day 
Monday, May 5: 10 - 5 - $5 Bag Day (bags supplied by the library)